Get Started
Here's what you need to get started with your Cachengo product.
Getting Started
1. Login to Cachengo’s Knowhere portal
- Navigate to
- If you don’t have an account:
- Click “Don’t have and account? Sign UP”
- Create a Username
- Enter your Email Address
- Create a Password (password must have one capital letter and a special character)
- Click “Sign Up”
- You will receive a verification email, click verify and then login into you account using the credentials created.
- You will be prompt to create and Organization, you can name this anything you would like.
- If you already have an account, login with your username and password
- Click on your organization when prompted
2. Install Cachengo-Cli on PC – Linux, Windows, or Mac
- Linux Installation
- Download cachengo-cli from
- Navigate to the cachengo-cli folder at
- Download cachengo-cli_linux_x86_64
- Run “sudo mv cachengo-cli_linux_x86_64 cachengo-cli && sudo chmod +x cachengo-cli”
- Move cachengo-cli_linux_x86_64 to “sudo mv cachengo-cli /usr/bin”
- Run “sudo cachengo-cli deviceInit -c
- Use the following credentials when prompted
- organization – your organization handle (the organization handle can be found under the “My Organization” tab in your organization)
- username – your username
- password – your password
- name – Use whatever you would like your PC to be called in Portal e.g BradsPC
- Windows Installation
- Navigate to the installer folder at
- Download Cachengo-Installer-production.exe
- Run Cachengo-Installer-production.exe
- Use the following credentials when prompted
- organization – your organization name
- username – your username
- password – your password
- name – Use whatever you would like your PC to be called in Portal e.g BradsPC
- Mac Installation
- Navigate to the installer folder at
- Download Cachengo-Installer-production.dmg
- Run Cachengo-Installer-production.dmg
- Use the following credentials when prompted
- organization – your organization name
- username – your username
- password – your password
- name – Use whatever you would like your PC to be called in Portal e.g BradsPC
3. Add PC to peer group
- In the navigation menu on the left, click on “Peer Groups”
- In the right corner, click “New Peer Group”
- Enter name of your peer group
- In the navigation menu on the left, click on “Devices”
- Find your previously created PC under “Single Devices”
- Click your PC so that it is highlighted
- Click the Peer Groups button in the toolbar on the left side of the page (You may have to expand toolbar to view)
- Click on your Peer Group so that it is highlighted
- Click “Install Now” under “Installation Summary”
4. Install your public key on all nodes
- Have your PC’s public ssh key ready (you will only need to install your public key if you plan to access your nodes via ssh)
- Navigate to Devices page by selecting “Devices” in the toolbar on left side of page
- Expand “your Bento” by clicking the caret/arrow icon next to “your Bento“
- Click “Select All” to the right of your Bento so that all nodes are now highlighted
- Select “App Marketplace” in the toolbar to the left
- Expand the “Security” category
- Select “Public Key”
- Click “Install Now” under “Installation Summary” above
- Under “Installation Name”, name the installation anything you’d like e.g. “BradsKey”
- Under “User”, enter “.cachengo”, no quotes (be sure to use period)
- Under Public Key, paste your PC’s public key
- Select “Devices” in the toolbar to the left of the page
- Expand “your Bento“
- Choose a node of the Bento you would like to ssh into e.g. “B020112-1d0cb76“
- Click the information icon “(i)” in the upper right side of the node’s box that you would like to ssh into
- Expand the “Peer Groups” tab
- Copy the ipv6 address under “your peer group“
- Open terminal on your P.C.
- SSH into node using “cachengo” as the username and the ipv6 address – e.g. “ssh cachengo@fdba:16fb:5849:2235:c699:9381:cd4f:52f3”
Peer Groups vs. Open Firewall Ports:
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