Get Started
Here's what you need to get started with your Cachengo product.
Physical Installation
1. Remove rail screws from both sides of the unit. Slide rails out of the back of the unit.
2. Mount rails in your datacenter rack using suitable screws (some screws are provided that may work for your particular situation).
3. Slide unit in place in your rack, ensuring both rails engage with the back of the unit. Replace rail screws.
Attach power and network cables.
Getting Started
1. Login to Cachengo Concierge
- Navigate to
- If you don’t have an account:
- Click “Don’t have and account? Sign UP”
- Create a Username
- Enter your Email Address
- Create a Password (password must have one capital letter and a special character)
- Click “Sign Up”
- You will receive a verification email, click verify and then login into you account using the credentials created.
- You will be prompt to create and Organization, you can name this anything you would like.
- If you already have an account, login with your username and password
- Click on your organization when prompted
2. Install Cachengo-Cli on PC – Linux, Windows, or Mac
- Linux Installation
- Download cachengo-cli from
- Navigate to the cachengo-cli folder at
- Download cachengo-cli_linux_x86_64
- Run “sudo mv cachengo-cli_linux_x86_64 cachengo-cli && sudo chmod +x cachengo-cli”
- Move cachengo-cli_linux_x86_64 to “sudo mv cachengo-cli /usr/bin”
- Run “sudo cachengo-cli deviceInit -c
- Use the following credentials when prompted
- organization – your organization name
- username – your username
- password – your password
- name – Use whatever you would like your PC to be called in Portal e.g BradsPC
- Windows Installation
- Navigate to the installer folder at
- Download Cachengo-Installer-production.exe
- Run Cachengo-Installer-production.exe
- Use the following credentials when prompted
- organization – your organization name
- username – your username
- password – your password
- name – Use whatever you would like your PC to be called in Portal e.g BradsPC
- Mac Installation
- Navigate to the installer folder at
- Download Cachengo-Installer-production.dmg
- Run Cachengo-Installer-production.dmg
- Use the following credentials when prompted
- organization – your organization name
- username – your username
- password – your password
- name – Use whatever you would like your PC to be called in Portal e.g BradsPC
3. Add PC to peer group
- In the navigation menu on the left, click on “Peer Groups”
- In the right corner, click “New Peer Group”
- Enter name of your peer group
- In the navigation menu on the left, click on “Devices”
- Find your previously created PC under “Single Devices”
- Click your PC so that it is highlighted
- Click the Peer Groups button in the toolbar on the left side of the page (You may have to expand toolbar to view)
- Click on your Peer Group so that it is highlighted
- Click “Install Now” under “Installation Summary”
4. Install your public key on all nodes
- Have your PC’s public ssh key ready (you will only need to install your public key if you plan to access your nodes via ssh)
- Navigate to Devices page by selecting “Devices” in the toolbar on left side of page
- Expand “your Pizza” by clicking the caret/arrow icon next to “your Pizza“
- Click “Select All” to the right of your Pizza so that all nodes are now highlighted
- Select “App Marketplace” in the toolbar to the left
- Expand the “Security” category
- Select “Public Key”
- Click “Install Now” under “Installation Summary” above
- Under “Installation Name”, name the installation anything you’d like e.g. “BradsKey”
- Under “User”, enter “.cachengo”, no quotes (be sure to use period)
- Under Public Key, paste your PC’s public key
- Select “Devices” in the toolbar to the left of the page
- Expand “your Pizza“
- Choose a node of the Pizza you would like to ssh into e.g. “B020112-1d0cb76“
- Click the information icon “(i)” in the upper right side of the node’s box that you would like to ssh into
- Expand the “Peer Groups” tab
- Copy the ipv6 address under “your peer group“
- Open terminal on your P.C.
- SSH into node using “cachengo” as the username and the ipv6 address – e.g. “ssh cachengo@fdba:16fb:5849:2235:c699:9381:cd4f:52f3”
Peer Groups vs. Open Firewall Ports:
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